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Use the Source


For Ubuntu users; do not use snap to install docker as it can create permission issues when working with minikube. */

Link Introduction

This section describes how to build VMware Secrets Manager from source.

For a more detailed walkthrough about how to contribute to VMware Secrets Manager, see the Contributing section.

Link Prerequisites

Make you have the following installed on your system:

Link Ensure Your Environment Is Set Up

Make sure your Go environment is set up.

Here are some important environment settings that you might want to double check:

go env


Link Clone the Project

git clone https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/secrets-manager.git
cd secrets-manager

Link Build the Project

Make sure you have a running local Docker daemon and execute the following:

make build-local

Link Generating Protocol Buffers

You might need to generate the protocol buffers if you are working on the VSecM API. To do so, execute the following:

make generate-proto-files

If this command fails, you might need to install the protoc compiler:

go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go@latest
go install google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc@latest

After installation ensure that protoc-gen-go and protoc-gen-go-grpc is in your $PATH. If you set up your Go development enviornment, this should already be the case.

Link Updating Vendor Dependencies

If the project fails to build, you might need to update the vendor dependencies. To do so, execute the following on the project root:

cd $WORKSPACE/secrets-manager
go mod tidy
go mod vendor

Link That’s All

That’s it 🎉. You now have images of VMware Secrets Manager and other related components built locally on your Docker registry.

Link Next Up

For a more detailed guide about how you can use these local container images in your custer check out the Contributing section.

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