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Deploy an Example Workload

Link Deploy an Example Workload

Now, let’s deploy an example workload to the cluster to test VMware Secrets Manager in action.

cd $WORKSPACE/secrets-manager
export VSECM_VERSION=latest
make example-sdk-deploy

This will take a few moments too.

When done you would ba able to list the pods in the default namespace:

kubectl get po -n default
# Output
NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
example-6cbb96b768-dhm7c   1/1     Running   0          6m44s

Let’s check the logs of our example workload:

kubectl logs example-6cbb96b768-dhm7c

The output will be something similar to this:

2024/03/25 17:30:32 fetch
2024/03/25 17:30:32 [TRACE] RpyyPfqx Sentry:Fetch 
2024/03/25 17:30:32 [TRACE] RpyyPfqx Sentry:Fetch svid:id:  
Failed to read the secrets file. Will retry in 5 seconds...
Secret does not exist
2024/03/25 17:30:37 fetch
2024/03/25 17:30:37 [TRACE] kUWlDyo3 Sentry:Fetch 
2024/03/25 17:30:37 [TRACE] kUWlDyo3 Sentry:Fetch svid:id:
Failed to read the secrets file. Will retry in 5 seconds...
Secret does not exist
2024/03/25 17:30:42 fetch
2024/03/25 17:30:42 [TRACE] dorrPbVN Sentry:Fetch 
2024/03/25 17:30:42 [TRACE] dorrPbVN Sentry:Fetch svid:id:  
Failed to read the secrets file. Will retry in 5 seconds...
Secret does not exist
... truncated ...

Our sample workload is trying to fetch a secret, but it can’t find it.

Here’s the source code of our sample workload to provide some contxt:

package main

// ... truncated headers ...

func main() {

	// ... truncated irrelevant code ...

	for {
		d, err := sentry.Fetch()

		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println("Failed. Will retry in 5 seconds...")
			time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)

		if d.Data == "" {
			fmt.Println("No secret yet... will check again later.")
			time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)

			"secret: updated: %s, created: %s, value: %s\n",
			d.Updated, d.Created, d.Data,
		time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)

What the demo workload does is to try to fetch a secret every 5 seconds using the sentry.Fetch() function.

sentry.Fetch() is a function provided by the VMware Secrets Manager; it establishes a secure mTLS connection between the workload and VSecM Safe to fetch the secret.

Since this workload does not have any secret registered, the request fails and the workload retries every 5 seconds.

Since this is a quickstart example, we won’t dive into the details of how the workload establishes a secure mTLS connection with the VSecM Safe. We’ll cover this in the following sections.

For the sake of this quickstart, we can assume that secure communication between the workload and the VSecM Safe is already taken care of for us.

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