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Link Clone the Repository

Let’s start by cloning the VMware Secrets Manager repository first:

git clone https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/secrets-manager.git
cd secrets-manager

Link Initialize Minikube

Next, let’s initialize Minikube:

cd $WORKSPACE/secrets-manager

# If you have a previous minikube setup, you can delete it with:
# make k8s-delete

make k8s-start

Link Configure Docker Environment Variables

Next, let’s configure the Docker environment variables for Minikube.

We don’t strictly need this for the quickstart, but it’s a good idea to do it anyway.

eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)

Link Install SPIRE and VMware Secrets Manager

Next we’ll install SPIRE and VMware Secrets Manager on the cluster.

helm repo add vsecm https://vmware-tanzu.github.io/secrets-manager/
helm repo update
helm install vsecm vsecm/vsecm

This will take a few minutes to complete.

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