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VSecM Roadmap

Link Introduction

This is a page where we publish our approximate roadmap for VMware Secrets Manager for Cloud-Native Apps. Note that this is not a commitment to deliver any of the features listed here, and that the roadmap is subject to change at any time without notice.

Whenever we release a new version of VMware Secrets Manager, we will update this page, and also the changelog to reflect the changes.

One-Year Window

This page will only contain information about the next 12 months of the project. We will update the roadmap every release, and remove the completed items from the list, and add a new iteration at the end of the list.

Link Active Iterations

Link VSecM v0.28.0 (codename: Hydra)

Jun 29, 2024 - Sep 30, 2024

This iteration is about increasing coverage. We will focus on unit tests.

Our goal is to reach at least 50% coverage.

In addition, we are targeting to fix certain low-hanging bugs and improve stability.

Here is a list of issues that are candidate for VSecM vHydra.

Link VSecM v0.29.0 (codename: Indus)

Oct 01, 2024 - Oct 28, 2024

In this iteration, we will focus on adding use cases and tutorials, along with any stability and security improvement that may come our way.

Here is a list of issues that are candidate for VSecM vIndus.

Link VSecM v0.30.0 (codename: Lupus)

Oc 29, 2024 - Nov 25, 2024

This iteration will be about adding more features that may be immediately useful around VSecM Sentinel CLI.

Here is a list of issues that are candidate for VSecM vLupus.

Link VSecM v0.31.0 (codename: Mensa)

Nov 26, 2024 - Jan 6, 2025

This iteration is about SDKs and KMS integration.

Here is a list of issues that are candidate for VSecM vMensa.

Link VSecM v0.32.0 (codename: Norma)

Jan 07, 2024 - Feb 03, 2024

The overall theme of this iteration is issues labeled as enhancing the system’s scalability, high availability (HA), and integration capabilities. Key areas of focus include improving HA modes for various components, enabling state federation and synchronization with external storage systems, enhancing documentation, and expanding the flexibility of key management through integration with cloud Key Management Services (KMS) and databases.

These efforts aim to make VMware Secrets Manager more robust, reliable, and easier to integrate with other systems and environments.

This iteration is about visibility and metrics. We’ll create a /stats and a /health endpoint for VSecM Safe among other observability improvements.

Here is a list of issues that are candidate for VSecM vNorma.

Link VSecM v0.33.0 (codename: Orion)

Feb 04, 2024 - Mar 03, 2024

This iteration is centered around enhancing the system’s capabilities in high availability, scalability, and integration. Key areas include:

  • High Availability (HA): Demonstrating and improving HA modes for various components like SPIRE and VSecM.
  • Federation and State Management: Implementing federation of the identity control plane and considering state federation for VSecM.
  • Storage and Synchronization: Enhancing the flexibility of key management by enabling the use of external storage solutions, such as separate VSecM Safe instances, cloud Key Management Services (KMS), databases, and persistent volumes, with a focus on two-way synchronization.
  • Documentation and Usability: Improving documentation for various features and providing better configuration options in Helm charts.

Here is a list of issues that are candidate for VSecM vOrion.

Link VSecM v0.34.0 (codename: Perseus)

Mar 04, 2024 - Mar 31, 2025

This iteration centers on enhancing the system’s scalability, high availability, and integration capabilities. Key areas include:

  • High Availability (HA): Enhancing HA modes for components like SPIRE and VSecM to ensure system reliability.
  • Federation and State Management: Implementing federation for identity control and state management to improve scalability and integration with other systems.
  • Storage and Synchronization: Increasing flexibility in key management by enabling external storage solutions such as cloud KMS, databases, and persistent volumes, along with ensuring two-way synchronization.
  • Helm Charts Customization: Providing extensive customization options in Helm charts for SPIRE server and agents, including the ability to use different data stores, key managers, and telemetry configurations.
  • Documentation and User Requests: Improving documentation for better usability and addressing user requests for new features such as stats and health endpoints, and key rotation capabilities.

Here is a list of issues that are candidate for VSecM vPerseus.

Link VSecM v0.35.0 (codename: Reticulum)

Apr 01, 2024 - Apr 28, 2025

This iteration aims at enhancing security, workflow, and documentation. The open issues include:

  • Security Enhancements: Use a separate VSecM Safe to store root keys instead of
    a Kubernetes secret, improving security by isolating critical keys from the main application infrastructure.

  • Workflow Improvements: Ensuring the project includes an automated test suite that provides at least 90% statement coverage, which aims to improve the reliability and maintainability of the codebase.

  • Documentation Updates:: Documenting the VSecM Sentinel OIDC authentication feature, which will help users understand and implement this feature more effectively.

Here is a list of issues that are candidate for VSecM vReticulum.

Link VSecM v0.36.0 (codename: Sagittarius)

Apr 31, 2025 - May 26, 2025

This iteration revolves around enhancing functionality, improving integration capabilities, and expanding test coverage. The key areas include:

  • Enhanced Integration and Configuration: Ability to configure SPIRE’s key manager in Helm charts.

    • Configure VSecM Sidecar for dynamic secret updates.
    • Use AWS KMS as an alternate backup store.
    • Demo and integrate OPA and VSecM.
  • Workflow and Automation Improvements:

    • Integration of Sentinel OIDC Resource Server functionality into tests.
  • Use Cases and Examples:

    • Demonstration of GitOps use cases.
    • Sample configurations and documentation for various use cases.

Here is a list of issues that are candidate for VSecM vSagittarius.

Link VSecM v0.37.0 (codename: Telescopium)

May 27, 2025 – Jul 31 2025

This iteration focuses on enhancing security, improving integration and workflow, and providing new features for better user experience. Here are the main points:

  • Security Enhancements:
    • Conducting security reviews and independent security audits.
    • Introducing dynamic code analysis using fuzzing to enhance security measures.
  • Integration and Workflow:
    • Facilitating integration with AWS and GCP through placeholders.
    • Creating a dedicated user for EKS provisioning with just-enough privileges.
    • Supporting the separation of audit logs from other logs for better security management.
  • New Features and Usability Improvements:
    • Allowing the VSecM Init container to decrypt mounted files using AES or age decryption keys.
    • Enabling the creation and registration of AES keys or age key pairs for workloads to decrypt shared encrypted files.
    • Demonstrating autoscaling use cases.
    • Adding new endpoints for statistics and health monitoring.

Here is a list of issues that are candidate for VSecM vTelescopium.

Link VSecM v0.38.0 (codename: Ursa)

Aug 01, 2025 – Aug 28 2025

This iteration is focused on enhancing the system’s security, improving integration capabilities, and refining user experience. Key points include:

  • Security Enhancements:
    • Introduction of high-trust modes, such as using a PKCS#11 interface to secure root keys.
    • Customizable kubelet verification for enhanced security.
  • Integration and Configuration:
    • Ability to use Kubernetes as a backing store.
    • Configurable audit targets and customizable Helm charts.
  • User Experience Improvements:
    • Creating Kubernetes Operators to inject Init Containers and Sidecars based on annotations.
    • Adding optional policies for secrets and considering methods for seamless secret rotation.
  • Documentation and Workflow:
    • Documenting self-security assessments and OIDC authentication features.
    • Release workflow management for new versions.

Here is a list of issues that are candidate for VSecM vUrsa.

Link VSecM v0.39.0 (codename: Virgo)

Aug 29, 2025 – Sep 25 2025

This is mainly a security-focused iteration. Here are the main points:

  • There is a plan to create a UI for VSecM Sentinel, leveraging the existing OIDC Server functionality.
  • Integration tests will include Sentinel OIDC Resource Server functionality.
  • Implementation of a ValidatingAdmissionWebhook to ensure clusterspiffeids and clusterspiffeid templates have the correct format.
  • Development of a self-security assessment documentation.
  • Exploration of secure methods for sharing root key material across VSecM instances in different clusters.
  • Support for replication across multiple VSecM Safe instances.
  • Creation of Kubernetes Operator to inject VSecM Init Container and VSecM Sidecar-based on annotations.

Here is a list of issues that are candidate for VSecM vVirgo.

Link VSecM v0.40.0 (codename: Antlia)

Sep 26, 2025 – Oct 32 2025

This is a “catch all” that contains all remaining documented future plans. We will create new iterations from it as the time gets closer.

Here is a list of issues that are candidate for VSecM vUrsa.

Link Closed Iterations

Link VSecM v0.27.0 (codename: Gemini)

May 23, 2024 - Jun 19, 2024

The sole focus of this iteration was increasing unit test coverage and adding more integration tests.

We also introduced improvements too; however, stability will be our main focus.

Here is a list of issues that are candidate for VSecM vGemini .

Link VSecM v0.26.1 (codename: Fornax)

Apr 25, 2024 - May 22, 2024

This iteration will was about stability and documentation updates.

We also introduced a lot of flexibility such as ability to use custom namespaces, trust domains, and regex-based SPIFFEID validation.

Here is a list of issues that are candidate for VSecM vFornax .

Link VSecM v0.25.0 (codename: Eridanus)

Mar 28, 2023 - Apr 24, 2024

This iteration was mostly about security and stability.

Here is a list of issues that were closed in vEridanus.

Link VSecM v0.24.0 (codename: Draco)

Feb 29, 2023 - Mar 27, 2023

To automate things and be able to dynamically follow issues better, from this point on we started labeling them and share the GitHub filter here.

This iteration was mainly focused on demos and documentation.

Here is a list of issues that were closed in vDraco.

Link VSecM v0.23.0 (codename: Cassiopeia)

Feb 01, 2024 - Feb 28, 2024

This iteration was focused on improving how VMware Secrets Manager logs and reports errors. We will also focus on improving the performance of the VMware Secrets Manager website.

  • Secretless VSecM: Ability to use VMware Secrets Manager without relying on Kubernetes Secrets. This will allow users to use VMware Secrets Manager without having to create Kubernetes Secrets at all–even for the root keys.
  • Ability to use VSecM across clusters (multi-cluster federation support).
  • More automation, and stability improvements.
  • Ability to use an “init command” for VSecM Sentinel to run before the world starts.
  • Ability to generate pattern-based random secrets.
  • The operator shall be able to export secrets in an encrypted format, and can decrypt them, if they have the right permissions.
  • A public ECR registry to share the untested “edge” versions of VMware Secrets Manager, for those who like living dangerously.
  • Focus on increasing test coverage.
  • Ability to create Kubernetes Secrets without necessarily associating them with a workload.
  • Adding “invalid before” and “expires after” timestamps to secrets, to help with secret rotation.
  • Progress towards Open SSF Best Practices compliance; reaching 97% of the

Link VSecM v0.22.0 (codename: Boötes)

Sep 12, 2023 - Jan 31, 2024

This was a relatively longer release because due to the “time-stop” effect of the holiday season, the majority of the core contributors will be spending quality time with their loved ones and recharging their batteries for the upcoming year.

This release will be more about enhancing deployment workflows, testing automation and CI/CD pipelines. We will also focus on improving the overall user experience.

  • Ability for an operator to export secrets (by providing a public key), to use in other workflows.
  • More documentation updates.
  • More flexibility in SPIFFEID validation.
  • Increased stability.
  • Lots of documentation updates, especially around security and production setup.
  • Static code analysis.
  • Website enhancement: Versioned snapshots of the documentation.
  • Option for VSecM to run in-memory; without having to rely on any backing store.
  • Security: Ability to lock VSecM Safe.

Link VSecM v0.21.0 (codename: Andromeda)

Aug 15, 2023 - Sep, 11, 2023

This was a stability-focused release. We focused on fixing bugs, improving stability, and improving workflows and CI/CD pipelines. We also created missing documentation and generated new video tutorials that feature the current version of VMware Secrets Manager.

Check out the release notes to learn more about what has been added, changed, and fixed in this release.

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