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Configuring VSecM

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VMware Secrets Manager system components can be configured using environment variables.

The following section contain a breakdown of all of these environment variables.

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For production setup, check out VMware Secrets Manager Production Deployment.

Environment Variables

Using VSecM Helm Charts?

If you are using VMware Secrets Manager Helm Charts, you can configure these environment variables using the values.yaml file.


SPIFFE_ENDPOINT_SOCKET is required for VSecM Sentinel to talk to SPIRE.

If not provided, a default value of "unix:///spire-agent-socket/agent.sock" will be used.


VSECM_LOG_LEVEL determines the verbosity of the logs in VSecM Safe.

VSecM Sidecar also uses this configuration; however, unlike VSecM Safe, it is not dynamic. While you can dynamically configure this at runtime for VSecM Safe without having to restart VSecM Safe, for VSecM Sidecar you’ll have to restart the workload’s pod for any changes to take effect.

0: logs are off, 7: highest verbosity. default: 3

Here are what various log levels correspond to:

Off   = 0
Fatal = 1
Error = 2
Warn  = 3
Info  = 4
Audit = 5
Debug = 6
Trace = 7


Both VSecM Safe and workloads use this environment variable.

VSECM_WORKLOAD_SVID_PREFIX is required for validation. If not provided, it will default to: "spiffe://"


Both VSecM Safe and VSecM Sentinel use this environment variable.

VSECM_SENTINEL_SVID_PREFIX is required for validation.

If not provided, it will default to: "spiffe://"


VSECM_SAFE_FIPS_COMPLIANT is required for VSecM Safe to run in FIPS-compliant mode. Defaults to "false", which means VSecM Safe will run in non-FIPS-compliant mode. Setting it to "true" will make VSecM Safe run in FIPS-compliant mode.

You Need Host Support for FIPS-Compliant Mode

Note that this is not a guarantee that VSecM Safe will actually run in FIPS compliant mode, as it depends on the underlying base image.

In addition, the host environment will need to be compliant too.

If you are using one of the official FIPS-complaint VSecM Docker images, then it will be FIPS-compliant.

As a FIPS-compliant base image you can choose from the following:


Both VSecM Sentinel, VSecM Safe, and workloads use this environment variable.

VSECM_SAFE_SVID_PREFIX is required for validation.

If not provided, it will default to: "spiffe://"


VSECM_SAFE_DATA_PATH is where VSecM Safe stores its encrypted secrets.

If not given, defaults to "/data".


VSECM_CRYPTO_KEY_PATH is where VSecM Safe will fetch the "key.txt" that contains the encryption keys.

If not given, it will default to "/key/key.txt".


VSECM_CRYPTO_KEY_NAME is how the age secret key is referenced by name inside VSecM Safe’s code. If not set, defaults to "vsecm-safe-age-key".

If you change the value of this environment variable, make sure to change the relevant Secret and Deployment YAML manifests too. The easiest way to do this is to do a project wide search and find and replace places where reference "vsecm-safe-age-key" to your new name of choice.


VSECM_MANUAL_KEY_INPUT is used to tell VSecM Safe to bypass generating the master crypto key and instead use the key provided by the operator using VSecM Sentinel. Defaults to "false".

When set to "true", VSecM Safe will not store the master key in a Kubernetes Secret; the master key will reside solely in the memory of VSecM Safe.

The control offered by this approach regarding the threat boundary of VSecM Safe provides enhanced security compared to the default behavior where the master key is randomly-generated in a cryptographically secure way and stored in a Kubernetes Secret (which is still pretty secure, especially if you encrypt your etcd and establish a tight RBAC over the Kubernetes Secret that stores the master key).

That being said, in manual input mode, all the cryptographic material will be kept in memory, and no Kubernetes Secrets will be harmed (which is even more secure).

However, this approach does place the onus of securing the master key on you.

Yet, don’t worry, storing the master key can be easily handled depending on your infrastructure: With the right setup, managing the master key is just another cog in the machinery of your security measures, not an additional burden.

That’s why, although it’s not enabled by default, adopting this measure could be an additional step in bolstering your system’s security.

Also note that when this variable is set to "true", VSecM Safe will not respond to API requests until a master key is provided, using VSecM Sentinel.


VSECM_SAFE_SECRET_NAME_PREFIX is the prefix that is used to prepend to the secret names that VSecM Safe stores in the cluster as Secret objects when the -k option in VSecM Sentinel is selected.

If this variable is not set or is empty, the default value "vsecm-secret-" is used.


VSECM_SAFE_ENDPOINT_URL is the REST API endpoint that VSecM Safe exposes from its Service.

VSecM Sentinel, VSecM Sidecar and workloads need this URL configured.

If not provided, it will default to: "https://vsecm-safe.vsecm-system.svc.cluster.local:8443/".


VSecM Safe and VSecM Sentinel use this configuration.

VSECM_PROBE_LIVENESS_PORT is the port where the liveness probe will serve.

Defaults to :8081.


VSecM Safe uses this configuration.

VSECM_PROBE_READINESS_PORT is the port where the readiness probe will serve.

Defaults to :8082.


VSecM Safe uses this configuration.

VSECM_SAFE_BOOTSTRAP_TIMEOUT is how long (in milliseconds) VSecM Safe will wait for an SPIRE X.509 SVID bundle before giving up and crashing.

The default value is 30000 milliseconds.


VSECM_SAFE_SOURCE_ACQUISITION_TIMEOUT is the timeout duration for acquiring a SPIFFE source bundle.

If the environment variable is not set, or cannot be parsed, defaults to 10000 milliseconds.


VSECM_SAFE_IV_INITIALIZATION_INTERVAL is used as a security measure to time-based attacks where too frequent call of a function can be used to generate less-randomized AES IV values.

If the environment variable is not set or contains an invalid integer, it defaults to 50 milliseconds.

The value in the environment variable is in milliseconds.


VSECM_SAFE_TLS_PORT is the port that VSecM Safe serves its API endpoints.

When you change this port, you will likely need to make changes in more than one manifest, and restart or redeploy VMware Secrets Manager and SPIRE.

Defaults to ":8443".


VSECM_SAFE_SECRET_BUFFER_SIZE is the amount of secret insertion operations to be buffered until VSecM Safe API blocks and waits for the buffer to have an empty slot.

If the environment variable is not set, this buffer size defaults to 10.

Two separate buffers of the same size are used for IO operations, and Kubernetes Secret creation (depending on the type of the API request). The Kubernetes Secrets buffer, and File IO buffer work asynchronously and independent of each other int two separate goroutines.


VSECM_SAFE_K8S_SECRET_BUFFER_SIZE is the buffer size for the VSecM Safe Kubernetes secret queue.

If the environment variable is not set, the default buffer size is 10.


VSECM_SAFE_SECRET_DELETE_BUFFER_SIZE isd the buffer size for the VSecM Safe secret deletion queue.

If the environment variable is not set, the default buffer size is 10.


VSECM_SAFE_K8S_SECRET_DELETE_BUFFER_SIZE the buffer size for the VSecM Safe Kubernetes secret deletion queue.

If the environment variable is not set, the default buffer size is 10.


This environment variable is used by VSecM Sentinel to let VSecM Safe know where to persist the secret. To reiterate, this environment variable shall be defined for VSecM Sentinel deployment; defining it for VSecM Safe has no effect.

VSECM_SAFE_BACKING_STORE is the type of the storage where the secrets will be encrypted and persisted.

  • If not given, defaults to "file".
  • The other option is "in-memory".

A "file" backing store means VSecM Safe persists an encrypted version of its state in a volume (ideally a PersistedVolume).

An "in-memory" backing store means VSecM Safe does not persist backups of the secrets it created to disk. When that option is selected, you will lose all of your secrets if VSecM Safe is evicted by the scheduler or manually restarted by an operator.


VSECM_SAFE_SECRET_BACKUP_COUNT indicates the number of backups to keep for VSecM Safe secrets.

If the environment variable VSECM_SAFE_SECRET_BACKUP_COUNT is not set or is not a valid integer, the default value of "3" will be used.

This configuration is not effective when VSECM_SAFE_BACKING_STORE is set to "in-memory".


VSECM_SAFE_USE_KUBERNETES_SECRETS is a flag indicating whether to create a plain text Kubernetes secret for the workloads registered.

If the environment variable is not set or its value is not "true", it will be assumed "false".

There are two things to note about this approach:

First, by design, and for security reasons, the original Kubernetes Secret should exist, and it should be initiated to a default data as follows before it can be synced by VSecM Safe:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  # The string after `vsecm-secret-` must match the 
  # workload’s name.
  # For example, this is an VSecM-managed secret for `example`
  # with the SPIFFE ID 
  # `"spiffe://\
  #  /ns/{{ .PodMeta.Namespace }}\
  #  /sa/{{ .PodSpec.ServiceAccountName }}\
  #  /n/{{ .PodMeta.Name }}"`
  name: vsecm-secret-example
  namespace: default
type: Opaque

Secondly this approach is less secure, and it is meant to be used for legacy systems where directly using the Safe Sidecar or Safe SDK are not feasible. For example, you might not have direct control over the source code to enable a tighter Safe integration. Or, you might temporarily want to establish behavior parity of your legacy system before starting a more canonical VMware Secrets Manager implementation.


VSECM_SIDECAR_POLL_INTERVAL is the interval (in milliseconds) that the sidecar polls VSecM Safe for new secrets.

Defaults to 20000 milliseconds, if not provided.


VSecM Sidecar has an exponential backoff algorithm to execute fetch in longer intervals when an error occurs. VSECM_SIDECAR_MAX_POLL_INTERVAL is the maximum wait time (in milliseconds) before executing the next.

Defaults to 300000 milliseconds, if not provided.


VSecM Sidecar uses this environment variable.

VSECM_SIDECAR_EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_MULTIPLIER configures how fast the algorithm backs off when there is a failure. Defaults to 2, which means when there are enough failures to trigger a backoff, the next wait interval will be twice the current one.


VSecM Sidecar uses this environment variable.

VSECM_SIDECAR_SUCCESS_THRESHOLD configures the number of successful poll results before reducing the poll interval. Defaults to 3.

The next interval is calculated by dividing the current interval with VSECM_SIDECAR_EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_MULTIPLIER.


VSecM Sidecar uses this environment variable.

VSECM_SIDECAR_ERROR_THRESHOLD configures the number of fetch failures before increasing the poll interval. Defaults to 2.

The next interval is calculated by multiplying the current interval with VSECM_SIDECAR_EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF_MULTIPLIER.


VSECM_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE environment variable specifies the namespace in which a VSecM instance is deployed.

Ensure this is set as an environment variable for your containers; it’s a critical piece. VSecM Safe and Sentinel rely on it to precisely locate the deployment’s namespace. For instance, Safe leverages this information to securely store age keys within a designated secret, as specified by the VSECM_CRYPTO_KEY_NAME configuration.

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