VMware Secrets Manager

Contributor Hours

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The next VSecM Contributor Sync will be on…
Thursday, 2024-05-30 at 8:00am Pacific time.

Welcome 👋

Welcome to the VMware Secrets Manager Contributor Hour, a monthly meeting dedicated to the VMware Secrets Manager (VSecM) project.

This meeting serves as a platform for contributors, maintainers, and anyone interested in the project to come together and discuss key aspects of VMware Secrets Manager’s future.


  • Discuss VMware Secrets Manager project direction and roadmap.
  • Provide a high-bandwidth forum in which the community can voice needs and make proposals.
  • Achieve maintainer consensus on architectural decisions related to major VMware Secrets Manager features.


  • VMware Secrets Manager maintenance.
  • Triaging, troubleshooting, and resolving issues.

Meeting Recordings

VMware Secrets Manager Contributor Sync 002 – 2024-01-25

VMware Secrets Manager Contributor Sync 001 – 2023-09-29

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