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This section contains instructions to test and develop VMware Secrets Manager locally.

📚 Familiarize Yourself with the Contributing Guidelines

Please make sure you read the Contributing Guidelines and the Code of Conduct on the VSecM GitHub repo first.

Good First Issues for New Contributors

If you are new to VMware Secrets Manager or looking for smaller tasks to start contributing, we have a set of issues labeled as good first issue on our GitHub repository. These issues are a great place to start if you are looking to make your first contribution.

How to Find Good First Issues

  1. Navigate to the Issues tab in the GitHub repository.
  2. Use the label filter and select the good first issue label.
  3. Browse through the list and pick an issue that interests you.

Claiming an Issue

Before starting work on an issue, it’s a good practice to comment on it, stating that you intend to work on it. This prevents multiple contributors from working on the same issue simultaneously.

Need Help?

If you have questions or need further clarification on a “good first issue,” feel free to ask in the issue comments or reach out to the maintainers.

Code Review Requirements

While we value pragmatism over process, we do have some basic requirements for code reviews to ensure the quality and consistency of the codebase.

Conducting Code Reviews

  1. Pull Requests: All code changes must be submitted through a pull request (PR) on GitHub.
  2. Minimum Reviews: Each PR must be reviewed by at least one other person before it can be merged.
  3. Open for Feedback: PRs are open for comments and suggestions from any team member, not just the designated reviewer.

What Must Be Checked

These are the minimum set of items that must be checked during a code review. More items may be checked depending on the nature of the change.

  1. Canonical Go: The code should adhere to canonical Go practices.
  2. Formatting: The code must pass gofmt without any issues.
  3. Consistency: The code should look like the rest of the codebase, as if it were written by a single individual.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Approval: At least one reviewer must approve the PR.
  2. Automated Checks: All automated tests and checks must pass.
  3. No Conflicts: Resolve any merge conflicts before merging.

How to Conduct a Code Review

  1. Navigate to the Pull Requests tab in the GitHub repository.
  2. Choose a PR that is awaiting review.
  3. Review the code changes and provide your feedback, keeping the above criteria in mind.
  4. If the PR meets all the criteria, approve it; otherwise, request changes and provide constructive feedback.

Better Commits

At VMware Secrets Manager, we follow the Conventional Commits.

You are strongly encouraged (but not required) to follow the Conventional Commits specification when writing commit messages.

You are encouraged (but not required) to use the better-commits tool to help you create commit messages.

make commit

If you have better-commits installed, then you can execute make commit to create a commit message.

Signing Off Commits

We require a sign-off commit message in the following format on each commit in pull request with your name and email address:

Sample commit message.

Signed-off-by: Jane Doe <>

Git has a -s | --sign-off command line option to append the message automatically. This will use your default value on your git configure in,

If you miss your sign-off on the last commit, you can amend the commit and then push to Github:

git commit --amend --signoff

If you miss series of commits, you can use git rebase with -i or --interactive flags to edit and append.

Add Tests for New Features

As you contribute major new functionalities to the software, it’s essential to adhere to a policy that requires the addition of corresponding tests.

This policy underscores the importance of validating new features through thorough testing. For every significant addition you make, ensure that robust tests are included.

This practice is crucial for maintaining the VSecM’s quality, reliability, and stability. By integrating tests for new features, you contribute not only to the early detection of defects but also to the facilitation of smoother future enhancements and modifications.

Your commitment to this testing policy is integral to our collective success in software development.

What Technologies Do I Need to Know?

You don’t have to be an expert in all of these technologies to contribute to VMware Secrets Manager. However, being familiar with the following concepts and technologies will help you get started faster.


VMware Secrets Manager is written in Go, so you should be familiar with the language and its idioms. If you are new to Go, we recommend going through the Go Tour and the Effective Go guide.


VMware Secrets Manager is a Kubernetes-native application, so you should be familiar with the basics of Kubernetes. If you are new to Kubernetes, we recommend going through the Kubernetes Basics.


VMware Secrets Manager is packaged as a Helm chart, so you should be familiar with the basics of Helm. If you are new to Helm, we recommend going through the Helm Quickstart Guide.


VMware Secrets Manager uses SPIFFE and SPIRE to establish an identity control plane, so you should be familiar with the basics of SPIFFE and SPIRE. If you are new to SPIFFE and SPIRE, we recommend going through the quickstart guides on the SPIFFE.


VMware Secrets Manager uses the go-spiffe to interact with the SPIFFE and SPIRE APIs, so you should be familiar with the basics of go-spiffe. If you are new to go-spiffe, we recommend going through the documentation.

ClusterSPIFFEID and ClusterFederatedTrustDomain

VMware Secrets Manager uses the ClusterSPIFFEID and ClusterFederatedTrustDomain to dispatch identities to workloads, and federate cluster, respectively. If you are new to these concepts, we recommend you check out the SPIRE Controller Manager repository.

VSecM Architecture

VMware Secrets Manager has several components, each with its own responsibilities. Check out the architecture overview to get a high-level understanding of the components and their interactions.

While you are at there, we strongly recommend going through the entire documentation to get a good understanding of the product.


We have several Dockerfiles in the repository, so you should be familiar with the basics of Docker. If you are new to Docker, we recommend going through the Docker Get Started guide.

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