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VSecM Installation

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There are several ways to install VMware Secrets Manager to a Kubernetes cluster:

  • You can use helm charts,
  • Or you can use the Makefile targets

This page covers both approaches.


Before you start, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • You have helm installed on your system.
  • You have kubectl installed on your system.
  • You have a Kubernetes cluster running and kubectl is configured to connect to it.
  • You have make installed on your system.

Installing Using helmhelm

helm is the easiest way to install VMware Secrets Manager to your Kubernetes cluster.

Make sure you have helm v3 installed and execute the following commands:

helm repo add vsecm
helm repo update
helm install vsecm vsecm/vsecm

For detailed instruction on VMware Secrets Manager installation through Helm Charts please refer to VSecM Helm Charts

Installing Using make

Make sure you have make and git installed in your system.

First, clone the repository:

git clone
cd secrets-manager

Then, run the following command to install VMware Secrets Manager to your cluster:

make deploy

That’s it. You are all set 🤘.

Verifying the Installation

To verify installation, check out the vsecm-system and `spire-system namespaces:

kubectl get po -n vsecm-system

You should see something similar to the following output:

NAME                             READY   STATUS
vsecm-safe-85dd95949c-f4mhj      1/1     Running
vsecm-sentinel-6dc9b476f-djnq7   1/1     Running

Then, do the same for spire-system namespace:

kubectl get po -n spire-system

You should see something similar to the following output:

NAME                           READY   STATUS
spire-agent-p9m27              3/3     Running
spire-server-6fb4f57c8-6s7ns   2/2     Running

SPIRE Agent and Server Might Restart

It is okay if you see the SPIRE Agent and Server pods restarting once or twice. They will eventually stabilize within a few moments.

Uninstalling VMware Secrets Manager

Uninstallation can be done by running a script:

cd $WORKSPACE/secrets-manager

Or, if you have installed VMware Secrets Manager using helm, you can use helm uninstall command:

helm uninstall vsecm

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