This is snapshot of VSecM’s documentation at version v0.21.4.
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Recent Updates

  • TBD

[v0.21.4] - 2023-11-30

This patch release includes one security update, a minor refactoring, and documentation updates.


[v0.21.3] - 2023-11-03


  • Started experimental work on multi-cluster secret federation.
  • Various Documentation updates.
  • Automated Kubernetes manifest creation from Helm charts.


[v0.21.2] - 2023-10-18

This is a purely security-focused release that fixes several vulnerabilities and also hardens the AES encryption flow against time-based attacks.


[v0.21.1] - 2023-10-11


  • Fixed spire-controller-manager’s version. The older setup was fixed on nightly which was causing ad-hoc issues.


  • Performance update: VSecM Sentinel now honors SIGTERM and SIGINT signals and gracefully shuts down when the pod is killed.
  • Performance update: VSecM Safe is now leveraging several goroutines to speed up some of the blocking code paths during bootstrapping and initialization.
  • Minor updates to the documentation.


  • VSecM Safe has stricter validation routines for its identity.
  • Added VSecM Keygen: a utility application that generates VSecM Safe’s bootstrapping keys if you want an extra level of security and control the creation of the master key.

[v0.21.0] - 2023-09-08



  • Minor bugfixes after migration; ensuring feature and behavior parity with Aegis.
  • Implemented stricter matchers for VSecM Sentinel and VSecM Safe’s Identity.yamls.


  • Updated the security policy, clarifying our ideal response time for security vulnerabilities.
  • Fixed a minor vulnerability in activesupport dependency: (CVE-2023-38037). fix; dependabot. The vulnerability affects only the website build process, not the VSecM codebase itself. It is not exploitable in our case, but we still wanted to fix it.

[v0.20.0] - 2023-07-27



  • Minor changes to build and deployment scripts.
  • BREAKING: The binary that vsecm-sentinel uses is called safe right now (formerly it was aegis).

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