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Using VSecM Init Container

Link Situation Analysis

In certain cases you might not have full control over the source code of your workloads. For example, your workload can be a containerized third party binary executable that you don’t have the source code of. It might be consuming Kubernetes Secrets through injected environment variables, and the like.

Luckily, with VSecM Init Container you can let the workload wait until you register secrets to it. In addition, you can create Kubernetes Secrets for the workload and let it consume them as environment variables or file mounts similar to how it did before.

Link Screencast

Here is a screencast that demonstrates this use case:


Link Strategy

Use VSecM Sentinel to register a secret; use the k8s: prefix in the name of the secret to make it a Kubernetes Secret instead of a VSecM secret.

The workload will consume the Kubernetes Secret in the usual way that it consumes Kubernetes Secrets, like environment variables or file mounts.

Link High-Level Diagram

Open the image in a new tab to see its full-size version:

High-Level Diagram

Link Implementation

Our approach is twofold:

  1. Create a Kubernetes Secret for the workload using VSecM Sentinel.
  2. Let the workload wait for the secret using VSecM Init Container.

Let’s begin.

Link Cleanup

Let’s remove our workload and its associated secret to start with a clean slate:

# Remove the workload deployment:
kubectl delete deployment example
# Find the sentinel pod's name:
kubectl get po -n vsecm-system 
# Delete the secret:
kubectl exec vsecm-sentinel-778b7fdc78-86v6d -n \
  vsecm-system -- safe -w example -d
# Make sure that the secret is gone:
kubectl exec vsecm-sentinel-778b7fdc78-86v6d -n \
  vsecm-system -- safe -l
# Output:
# {"secrets":[]}

Link Read the Source

Make sure you examine the manifests to gain an understanding of what kinds of entities you’ve deployed to your cluster.

Link Demo Workload

Here are certain important code pieces from the demo workload that we are going to deploy soon.

The following is the main application that the workload runs:

// ./examples/using_init_container/main.go

func main() {
    // ... Truncated ...
	for {
		fmt.Printf("My secret: '%s'.\n", os.Getenv("SECRET"))
		fmt.Printf("My creds: username:'%s' password:'%s'.\n",
			os.Getenv("USERNAME"), os.Getenv("PASSWORD"),

		time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)

As you see, the code tries to parse several environment variables. But, where does it get them?

For that let’s look into the Deployment.yaml manifest:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: example
  namespace: default
  labels: example
  replicas: 1
    matchLabels: example
      labels: example
      serviceAccountName: example
      - name: main
        image: vsecm/example-using-init-container:latest

# ... Truncated  ... 

Link Deploy the Demo Workload

To begin, let’s deploy our demo workload:

# Switch to the project folder:
cd $WORKSPACE/secrets-manager
# Deploy the demo workload:
# Install the workload:
make example-init-container-deploy
# If you are building from the source, 
# use `make example-init-container-deploy-local` instead.

When we list the pods, you’ll see that it’s not ready yet because VSecM Init Container is waiting for a secret to be registered to this pod.

kubectl get po 

NAME                                  READY   STATUS
example-5d8c6c4865-dlt8r   0/1     Init:0/1   0

Here are the containers in that Deployment.yaml

      - name: main
        image: vsecm/example-using-init-container:latest
      # ... Truncated  ... 
      - name: init-container
        image: vsecm/vsecm-ist-init-container:latest

It’s the init-container that waits until the workload acquires a secret.

Link Registering Secrets to the Workload

To make the init container exit successfully and initialize the main container of the Pod, execute the following script:

# ./examples/using_init_container/

# Find a Sentinel node.
SENTINEL=$(kubectl get po -n vsecm-system \
  | grep "vsecm-sentinel-" | awk '{print $1}')

# Execute the command needed to interpolate the secret.
kubectl exec "$SENTINEL" -n vsecm-system -- safe \
-w "k8s:example-secret" \
-n "default" \
-s '{"username": "root", \
  "password": "SuperSecret", "value": "VSecMRocks"}' \
-t '{"USERNAME":"{{.username}}", \
  "PASSWORD":"{{.password}}", "VALUE": "{{.value}}"}'

Here are the meanings of the parameters in the above command:

  • -w is the name of the workload.
  • -n identifies the namespace of the Kubernetes Secret.
  • -s is the actual value of the secret.
  • -t is the template that will transform this secret to the data portion of the Kubernetes Secret.

Link Initializing the Workload

We have created a Kubernetes Secret.

Next, we will register a dummy secret to the workload using VSecM Sentinel. This will make the init container exit successfully and let the main container of the workload initialize.

kubectl exec "$SENTINEL" -n vsecm-system -- safe \
  -w "example" \
  -s "trigger" \
  -n default

Why Do We Need a Dummy Secret?

This use case assumes that we do not have access to the source code of the workload. The workload is designed to consume secrets as environment variables.

If we had access to the source code, we could have modified it to consume secrets from VSecM SDK or VSecM Sidecar. In that case, we would not need to register a dummy secret to the workload.

Now, let’s check if our pod has initialized:

kubectl get po

NAME                                 READY   STATUS
example-5d8c6c4865-dlt8r   1/1     Running   0

It looks like it did. So, let’s check its logs:

kubectl logs example-5d8c6c4865-dlt8r

My secret: 'VSecMRocks'.
My creds: username:'root' password:'SuperSecret'.

My secret: 'VSecMRocks'.
My creds: username:'root' password:'SuperSecret'.

My secret: 'VSecMRocks'.
My creds: username:'root' password:'SuperSecret'.

Link What Happened?

In summary, the Pod that your Deployment manages will not initialize until you register secrets to your workload.

Once you register secrets using the above command, VSecM Init Container will exit with a success status code and let the main container initialize.

Here is a sequence diagram of how the secret is transformed (open the image in a new tab for a larger version):

Transforming Secrets

Link Conclusion

That’s how you can register secrets as environment variables to workloads and halt bootstrapping of the main container until the secrets are registered to the workload.

This approach is marginally less secure, because it creates interim secrets which are not strictly necessary if we were to use VSecM Sidecar or VSecM Safe. It is meant to be used for legacy systems where directly using the Safe Sidecar or Safe SDK are not feasible.

For example, you might not have direct control over the source code to enable a tighter Safe integration. Or, you might temporarily want to establish behavior parity of your legacy system before starting a more canonical VMware Secrets Manager implementation.

For modern workloads that you have more control, we highly encourage you to use VSecM SDK or VSecM Sidecar instead.

That being said, it’s good to have this option, and we are sure you can find other creative ways to leverage it too.

Link List of Use Cases in This Section

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