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Registering Secrets

Link Situation Analysis

As an operator, you may need to register secrets in VMware Secrets Manager so that your applications can securely access them.

This use case is about how to register secrets in VMware Secrets Manager.

Link Screencast

Here is a screencast that demonstrates this use case:

Link High-Level Diagram

Open the image in a new tab to see the full-size version:

High-Level Diagram

Link Implementation

Link Registering a Secret Using the CLI

To register a secret in VMware Secrets Manager, you can use the CLI as follows:

# $SENTINEL is the name of VSecM Sentinel pod.
 kubectl exec "$SENTINEL" -n vsecm-system -- safe \
  -w "example-workload-demo" \
  -n "default" \
  -s 'TopSecret!#'

Note that you don’t need to workload to be running to register a secret.

Here, -w is the workload name, -n is the namespace, and -s is the secret value.

Check out the CLI reference for more details.

Link Registering a Secret Using VSecM Sentinel Init Commands

VSecM Sentinel can also register secrets using init commands.

The best way to do this is to specify the init command values in its Helm chart values file.

Here is an example to register the same secret using the initCommand stanza of values.yaml file:

# ./charts/sentinel/values.yaml
  enabled: true
  command: |

There is a slightly-more-advanced “init command” example in [Mounting Kubernetes Secrets as Environment Variables][mounting-k8s-secrets] use case too.

[mounting-k8s-secrets]: /docs/use-case-mounting-secrets-as-env-vars/ “Mounting Kubernetes Secrets as Environment Variables

Link Conclusion

Successfully registering secrets in VMware Secrets Manager is essential for ensuring secure and efficient access to sensitive data by your applications.

This guide provided two robust methods for registering secrets:

  • using the Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • and through VSecM Sentinel Init Commands.

Each method offers a streamlined approach tailored to different operational preferences and requirements.

Using the CLI, operators have the flexibility to directly execute commands within the Kubernetes environment, enabling immediate and precise secret registration. This method is particularly useful for those who prefer hands-on, scriptable interactions with their infrastructure.

Alternatively, the VSecM Sentinel Init Commands method integrates secret registration directly into the deployment process, offering a more automated and error-resistant approach by leveraging Helm chart configurations. This is advantageous for environments where automation and scalability are priorities.

Both methods are supported by detailed documentation and examples, ensuring that you have the necessary resources to implement the solution that best fits your operational needs.

By adopting these practices, you can enhance the security posture of your applications while maintaining a high level of operational efficiency.

Link List of Use Cases in This Section

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