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Setting VSecM Root Key

Link Situation Analysis

VMware Secrets Manager creates and stores its root cryptographic material automatically during initialization. This is helpful because when VSecM Safe crashes, or it is evicted, the root cryptographic material will be retained and you won’t have to manually unlock the system.

However, there are situations where you might want to set the root cryptographic material externally. For example, you might want to set the root cryptographic material to a value that is known to you and your organization. Or you might want to set the root cryptographic material to a value that is known to a third-party service that you trust. Or, you might want to control the root cryptographic material due to regulatory requirements.

Whatever the reason, VSecM Safe allows you to set the root cryptographic material externally. If you set the VSECM_ROOT_KEY_INPUT_MODE_MANUAL environment variable to "true", VSecM Safe will seal itself and it will wait for you to provide the root cryptographic material to begin operation.

When sealed, almost all API calls to VSecM Safe will fail. The only API calls that will succeed are the ones that allow you to unseal VSecM Safe by providing the root cryptographic material.

Link Screencast

Here is a screencast that demonstrates this use case:


Link High-Level Diagram

Open the image in a new tab to see the full-size version:

High-Level Diagram

Link Implementation

We will first make sure that VSecM Safe is switched to manual operation mode. For this, we define VSECM_ROOT_KEY_INPUT_MODE_MANUAL in its Deployment manifest:

Link Updating VSecM Safe Deployment

# ./safe/Deployment.yaml

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: vsecm-safe
  namespace: vsecm-system
  labels: vsecm-safe vsecm vsecm-system "latest"
  replicas: 1
    matchLabels: vsecm-safe vsecm vsecm-system
      labels: vsecm-safe vsecm vsecm-system
      serviceAccountName: vsecm-safe
        - name: main
          image: "vsecm/vsecm-ist-safe:latest"
          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            - containerPort: 8443
              name: http
              protocol: TCP
            - name: spire-agent-socket
              mountPath: /spire-agent-socket
              readOnly: true
            - name: vsecm-data
              mountPath: /data
            - name: vsecm-root-key
              mountPath: /key
              readOnly: true
              value: "true"
# ## <--- END CHANGE
              path: /
              port: 8081
            initialDelaySeconds: 1
            periodSeconds: 10
              path: /
              port: 8082
            initialDelaySeconds: 1
            periodSeconds: 10
              memory: 20Mi
              cpu: 5m
        - name: spire-agent-socket
            driver: ""
            readOnly: true
        - name: vsecm-data
            path: /var/local/vsecm/data
            type: DirectoryOrCreate
        - name: vsecm-root-key
            secretName: vsecm-root-key
              - key: KEY_TXT
                path: key.txt

Now, when we deploy VSecM, it will be in manual operation mode; we will have to provide the root cryptographic material to unseal it to begin registering secrets.

Link Creating the Root Key

You can use VSecM Keygen via the following command to generate a new root key:

docker run --rm vsecm-keygen:latest

# Output
# AGE-SECRET-KEY-14DVY8Y0J4JQA45Z...truncated
# age1ghxkaqg5kkt8rl98x...truncated
# bc95a5e9e81fdaf40fe0exxx...truncated

Safe this output in a file named key.txt.

Link Unsealing VSecM Safe

Here is how you provide the root key manually and unseal VSecM Safe:

kubectl exec "$SENTINEL" -n vsecm-system -- safe \
  -i "AGE-SECRET-KEY-1RZU...\nage1...\na6...ceec"
# Output:
# OK

Link VSecM Safe Is Ready

After unsealing, VSecM Safe is ready for operation.

By default, VSecM Safe uses a Kubernetes Secret to back up its root key, so if VSecM Safe restarts, it will automatically fetch the root key from the Kubernetes Secret and unseal itself, so you can “sleep more”.


We are planning to add an “in-memory-only” root key mode in the future. This mode will not store the root key on disk or in Kubernetes. This mode will be useful for organizations that want to keep the root key in memory only. The downside of this mode is that if VSecM Safe restarts, it will have to be unsealed manually.

If you re-key VSecM Safe, your secrets will be lost if you have not backed them up.

Backup Your Secrets Before a Re-Key

When VSecM Safe’s root key is re-keyed, the old root key is destroyed. If you have secrets encrypted with the old root key, you will not be able to decrypt them. Make sure you have backups of your secrets before re-keying VSecM Safe.

Follow the Revealing Secrets use case for more information on how to do this.

Link Conclusion

VMware Secrets Manager offers flexible and secure management of root cryptographic materials. By default, it generates and stores these materials automatically, ensuring that they are preserved across system crashes or evictions.

However, for organizations needing stricter control due to specific requirements or regulations, VSecM Safe supports manual setup through the VSECM_ROOT_KEY_INPUT_MODE_MANUAL environment variable. This mode enhances security by allowing only pre-approved root cryptographic materials to be used, although it necessitates manual intervention to unseal the system before it can operate. Implementing this manual setup involves updating the deployment configuration, generating a new root key, and manually providing this key to unseal VSecM Safe. Moreover, to streamline the re-unsealing process after restarts, a Kubernetes secret can be employed to store and automatically apply the root key.

While the manual root key input approach provides robust control and complies with stringent security policies, it also introduces the need for careful management and potential operational overhead, especially in ensuring that secrets remain accessible following re-keying events. Hence, it is crucial to back up secrets (and your cluster) regularly and understand the implications of key management strategies to maintain both security and operational efficiency.

Link List of Use Cases in This Section

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