VMware Secrets Manager

ADR-0013: Scan the Codebase for Vulnerabilities and Code Smells Regularly

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Thursday, 2024-05-30 at 8:00am Pacific time.

  • Status: draft
  • Date: 2024-05-12
  • Tags: security, static-analysis, quality

Context and Problem Statement

As our software project grows in complexity and scale, the risk of introducing security vulnerabilities and code smells increases. Currently, our codebase lacks a consistent and systematic approach to identifying these issues early in the development cycle, leading to higher maintenance costs and potential security breaches in production.

This ADR is in a draft state, we will update it with a selection of tools and processes to scan the codebase for vulnerabilities and code smells regularly.

Decision Drivers

  • TBD

Considered Options

  • TBD

Decision Outcome


Positive Consequences

  • TBD

Negative Consequences

  • TBD

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