VMware Secrets Manager

About Use Cases

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Introduction 🐢

This section lists various use cases to register secrets to Kubernetes workloads using VMware Secrets Manager, in tutorial form. Each tutorial isolated in itself, explaining a specific feature of VMware Secrets Manager.

Following these tutorials, you will have a better understanding of what VMware Secrets Manager is capable of, you will learn core VMware Secrets Manager concepts by doing.

When you complete the tutorials listed here, you will have a fair understanding of how to use VMware Secrets Manager to manage your secrets.

Follow the White Rabbit 🐇

We advise you to follow these tutorials in the sequence they are presented here. We’ve structured them this way to start with simpler use cases and progressively introduce more advanced techniques as we build upon our knowledge.

  1. Overview and Prerequisites
  2. Registering Secrets
  3. Revealing Secrets
  4. Using VSecM Sidecar
  5. Using VSecM Init Container
  6. Encrypting Secrets
  7. Transforming Secrets
  8. Mounting Secrets as Volumes
  9. Mutating a Template File
  10. Retrieving Secrets from VSecM SDK
  11. Mounting Kubernetes Secrets
  12. Encrypting Large Files
  13. Setting the Root Keys Externally
  14. Generating Pattern-Based Randomized Secrets
  15. VMware Secrets Manager Showcase

Further Reading

The use cases above leverage VSecM Sentinel and VSecM SDK. For the interested, the following sections cover these tools in greater detail:

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