VMware Secrets Manager

VSecM Showcase

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Thursday, 2024-05-30 at 8:00am Pacific time.


This page contains various usage examples and tutorials about VSecM.

We add more videos here as we develop the project, enable more features, and cover more use cases.

Enjoy, and may the source be with you.



Building Blocks

Local Deployment and Testing

Configuration and Testing Options

Using VSecM Sentinel

Creating Helper Scripts and an Inspector

Assigning Secrets to Workloads

Encrypting Secrets

Secret Template Transformations

Interpolating VSecM Secrets to Kubernetes Secrets

A Blitz Introduction to VMware Secrets Manager (community talk)

Cross-Cluster Secrets Federation with VMware Secrets Manager

Federated Secrets Sharing Using VMware Secrets Manager (community talk)

Multi-Cluster Secret Federation Using VMware Secrets Manager

Solving for the Bottom Turtle (community talk)


VMware Secrets Manager for Cloud-Native Apps is a successor of a project called Aegis. The project was renamed to VMware Secrets Manager and moved under the VMware Tanzu GitHub organization.

In the meantime, you can check out the videos that relate to Aegis. Aside from the name, the videos are still relevant.

Replace “Aegis” with “VSecM”

When watching the videos remember to replace Aegis with VMware Secrets Manager, and the aegis command in Aegis Sentinel with the safe command in VSecM Sentinel. The rest of the content shall still be relevant.

Without further ado, here is a playlist of videos that relate to Aegis:

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