VMware Secrets Manager

Transforming Secrets

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Situation Analysis

Sometimes your workload expects the secret in a different format than it has been initially provided. You don’t want to write custom code to do the transformation.

For this reason, VMware Secrets Manager provides a way to interpolate and transform secrets. You can provide a template to transform the secret into the desired format (e.g., JSON, YAML, or free-form text).


Use VSecM Sentinel to register a secret; use the -t flag to provide a template to transform the secret into the desired format. The workload will consume the transformed secret.

High-Level Diagram

Open the image in a new tab to see the full-size version:

High-Level Diagram


This tutorial will show various way you can interpolate and transform secrets.

Installing An Example Workload

You can use VSecM Inspector from VSecM Docker registry to test and validate the transformations:

Here is a Deployment manifest to deploy VSecM Inspector:

# ./Deployment.yaml

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: vsecm-inspector
  namespace: default
    app.kubernetes.io/name: vsecm-inspector
  replicas: 1
      app.kubernetes.io/name: vsecm-inspector
        app.kubernetes.io/name: vsecm-inspector
      serviceAccountName: vsecm-inspector
      - name: main
        image: vsecm/vsecm-inspector:latest
        - name: spire-agent-socket
          mountPath: /spire-agent-socket
          readOnly: true
      - name: spire-agent-socket
          driver: "csi.spiffe.io"
          readOnly: true

Here is a ServiceAccount that you can use with the above Deployment:

# ./ServiceAccount.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: vsecm-inspector
  namespace: default
automountServiceAccountToken: false

And here is a ClusterSPIFFEID that you can use with these:

# ./Identity.yaml

apiVersion: spire.spiffe.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterSPIFFEID
  name: vsecm-inspector
  spiffeIDTemplate: "spiffe://vsecm.com\
    /n/{{ .PodMeta.Name }}"
      app.kubernetes.io/name: vsecm-inspector
  - "k8s:ns:default"
  - "k8s:sa:vsecm-inspector"

You can deploy these manifests with the following commands:

kubectl apply -f Deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f ServiceAccount.yaml
kubectl apply -f Identity.yaml


Let us define a few aliases first, they will speed things up:

SENTINEL=$(kubectl get po -n vsecm-system \
  | grep "vsecm-sentinel-" | awk '{print $1}')
SAFE=$(kubectl get po -n vsecm-system \
  | grep "vsecm-safe-" | awk '{print $1}')
WORKLOAD=$(kubectl get po -n default \
  | grep "vsecm-inspector-" | awk '{print $1}')

# Delete secrets assigned to the workload:
alias delete-secret="kubectl exec $SENTINEL \
  -n vsecm-system -- safe \
  -w example -s x -d"

alias inspect="kubectl exec $INSPECTOR -- ./env"

Now, we can start experimenting.


Let’s start with a blank slate again:

# Output: OK

# Output:
# Failed to fetch the secrets. Try again later.
# Secret does not exist

The Format (-f) Argument

VSecM Sentinel CLI accepts a format flag (-f), the possible values are

  • "json"
  • and "yaml"

If it is not given, it defaults to "json"; however, in the upcoming examples we’ll be explicit and provide this argument at all times.

Registering a JSON Secret

kubectl exec $SENTINEL -n vsecm-system -- safe \
  -w example \
  -s '{"username": "admin", "password": "VSecMRocks!"}' \
  -f json

# Output:
# {"username": "admin", "password": "VSecMRocks!"}

Registering a YAML Secret

kubectl exec $SENTINEL -n vsecm-system -- safe \
  -w example \
  -s '{"username": "admin", "password": "VSecMRocks!"}' \
  -f yaml

# Output:
# password: VSecMRocks!
# username: admin

Registering a JSON String (with invalid JSON)

Now we’ll deliberately make an error in our JSON. Notice the missing " in username": That is not valid JSON.

kubectl exec $SENTINEL -n vsecm-system -- safe \
  -w example \
  -s '{username": "admin", "password": "VSecMRocks!"}' \
  -f json

# Output:
# {username": "admin", "password": "VSecMRocks!"}

Registering a YAML String (with invalid JSON)

Since the JSON cannot be parsed, the output will not be a YAML:

kubectl exec $SENTINEL -n vsecm-system -- safe \
  -w example \
  -s '{username": "admin", "password": "VSecMRocks!"}' \
  -f yaml

# Output:
# {username": "admin", "password": "VSecMRocks!"}

Transforming A JSON Secret

kubectl exec $SENTINEL -n vsecm-system -- safe \
  -w example \
  -s '{"username": "admin", "password": "VSecMRocks!"}' \
  -t '{"USR":"{{.username}}", "PWD":"{{.password}}"}' \
  -f json

# Output:
# {"USR":"admin", "PWD":"VSecMRocks!"}

Transforming a YAML Secret

kubectl exec $SENTINEL -n vsecm-system -- safe \
  -w example \
  -s '{"username": "admin", "password": "VSecMRocks!"}' \
  -t '{"USR":"{{.username}}", "PWD":"{{.password}}"}' \
  -f yaml

# Output:
# PWD: VSecMRocks!
# USR: admin

Transforming a JSON Secret (invalid JSON)

If our secret is not valid JSON, then the YAML transformation will not be possible. VMware Secrets Manager will still try its best to provide something.

kubectl exec $SENTINEL -n vsecm-system -- safe \
  -w example \
  -s '{username": "admin", "password": "VSecMRocks!"}' \
  -t '{"USR":"{{.username}}", "PWD":"{{.password}}"}' \
  -f json

# Output:
# {username": "admin", "password": "VSecMRocks!"}

Transforming a JSON Secret (invalid template)

Since template is not valid, the template transformation will not happen.

kubectl exec $SENTINEL -n vsecm-system -- safe \
  -w example \
  -s '{"username": "admin", "password": "VSecMRocks!"}' \
  -t '{USR":"{{.username}}", "PWD":"{{.password}}"}' \
  -f json

# Output:
# {"username": "admin", "password": "VSecMRocks!"}

Transforming a JSON Secret (invalid template and JSON)

VMware Secrets Manager will still try its best:

kubectl exec $SENTINEL -n vsecm-system -- safe \
  -w example \
  -s '{username": "admin", "password": "VSecMRocks!"}' \
  -t '{USR":"{{.username}}", "PWD":"{{.password}}"}' \
  -f json

# Output:
# {username": "admin", "password": "VSecMRocks!"}

Transforming YAML Secret (invalid JSON)

kubectl exec $SENTINEL -n vsecm-system -- safe \
  -w example \
  -s '{username": "admin", "password": "VSecMRocks!"}' \
  -t '{"USR":"{{.username}}", "PWD":"{{.password}}"}' \
  -f yaml

# Output
# {username": "admin", "password": "VSecMRocks!"}

Transforming YAML Secret (invalid template)

kubectl exec $SENTINEL -n vsecm-system -- safe \
  -w example \
  -s '{"username": "admin", "password": "VSecMRocks!"}' \
  -t '{USR":"{{.username}}", "PWD":"{{.password}}"}' \
  -f yaml

# Output:
# {USR":"admin", "PWD":"VSecMRocks!"}

Transforming YAML Secret (invalid JSON and template)

kubectl exec $SENTINEL -n vsecm-system -- safe \
  -w example \
  -s '{username": "admin", "password": "VSecMRocks!"}' \
  -t '{USR":"{{.username}}", "PWD":"{{.password}}"}' \
  -f yaml

# Output:
# {username": "admin", "password": "VSecMRocks!"}


VMware Secrets Manager, demonstrates a robust capability for the transformation and management of secrets in different formats, accommodating various organizational needs. By employing templates, users can easily convert secrets into the required formats such as JSON or YAML, ensuring seamless integration with various workloads and systems.

This flexibility not only simplifies secret management but also enhances security protocols without necessitating bespoke coding solutions, thereby streamlining operations and reducing potential errors.

This use case showcases VSecM’s adaptability and strength, making it an invaluable asset for secure and efficient secret management in modern Cloud Native environments.

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